Friday, April 30, 2010

It's not for me... God! over to you.

2 Chronicles 20

After Jehoshaphat had heard that an army was coming him and his people, an army he could not handle, he did not opt to die trying, he straight away resolved to tell God first. He called upon one Man who has solution to every problem, one Man who is all powerful, one Man who is undefeated and the enemy knows that. Jehoshaphat did not take time to think of a strategy that could possibly use, he understood that there was one who would fight for him with an assured win. Is God the first person you contact everytime? do even consider Him? or is He your last option?

Realise that you can not do it, that it is outside your reach.

And in verse 22, God actually fights the battle for Jehoshaphat, the chaps(enemies) actually killed each other, like in the time of Gideon. Trust God, when you do, you move Him to do massive things in your life. When you acknowledge that He is mighty, He loves to do it one more time. When we give thanks, we move God. Be blessed.

A Coin

It is really a happy sabbath...
My sharing with you comes from Luke 15.
To start with I would like to mention that you are the apple of God's eye, like a coin having the head of the 'head of state' somewhere on it, you have God's fingerprints all over you. He will not swim the an ocean for you but He will make the OCEANS for you, He will not bring you the stars but He will make the galaxies for you. He's willing to go all the way to get you back. The story we read in this chapter talks about "the lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost son." but I want to draw your attention to the lost coin, has value but it does not realize. Kinda reminds me of ourselves, we always want people's approval,opinion about us, we want them to tell us we are valuable disregarding the faint voice of righteousness in us telling us the same thing we want to hear... The woman searched for the coin tirelessly, sweeping every corner and when she found her COIN she called everyone to rejoice with her because her COIN had been found, that is how much heaven rejoices when a lost son comes back home. Set thing right and let heaven rejoice.
Let us get it from the bible, we are good even when people want to bring us down telling us we are not good, God loves us more than anything, it should not take people to tell us that. He will leave the 99 righteous ones to come and seek us out, let us come home and do what is right to God, and for God... We owe Him our obedience, faith, trust and more that we will never be able to pay Him back. God bless you. I talk too much so I end here.. the star you are!

Shine... like the star you are!

Can we can group these emails and call them collectively “A moment for God?”

I have written before about how children of royalty are trained their entire life to ‘not fit in’ and be unique. So being unfashionable is totally them... (Just thought I should mention)

For a long time, we try to crack our heads on what God’s purpose in our lives is, allow me to help you with step 1,
God created everything so His creation can praise, glorify Him. So to start with, if what you are doing is not glorifying God Almighty, then you should not be doing it.

Psalm 150vs6 “Let everything that has breathe praise the LORD, praise the LORD”.

But that is not my point this evening; I am taking you on a trip back to the true Christmas,

Matthew 2 vs. 1-10...
Jesus is born; the wise men from the east came asking where this child is because they had seen the STAR. These folks followed the star that went before them and they found the King of the Jews, the young child who we today, forever more will know as the saviour of mankind, our LORD, God, the son.

Amazing aspects in the story in this account are how these men came all the way from the east to come and see ‘this King of the Jews’ and to worship Him. They travelled a great distance for this moment. Also how a star could move in such a way that it would lead people to a certain place they need to get to is just awesome.

The one star just lead these people to the King.

So the question I pose to you this evening is; are you a star leading someone to God, the King? Does what you do lead anyone towards God. Remember. Food for thought. And trust God, when whoever you are leading finds the King, they will rejoice with exceeding great joy. The star may not have moved in that manner by itself but by God’s power, so let God use you.

You may have the largest number of wrong friends taking you back to your old ways when you try to change, but let God do this you. You ought to develop/have a different spirit too, like Caleb, and God will bless you for that.

In closing, do not worry much if you have no known relation that is of royalty because John 1 vs. 12 puts you in a similar yet better bracket. God is the King of kings, Jesus Christ, the Prince of peace.

Do you receive Him today?

You are of royalty, act it, and be Unfashionable and STAND OUT. God bless you.


Anti Virus

I like to say “Life is best teacher.” And from life itself, we learn that one key to solving a problem is acknowledging there is a problem. When you know that there is a problem, then you will know that it needs a solution.
Another key is; you need to find the root of the problem, and ‘kill’ it from there.
So, same applies, you acknowledge you are a sinner, and then find the root. The root proves hard to find and kill all by yourself, so you ask Jesus into your life to come and sort this (root) out for you. He will then come in and fix, straighten things out for you. He finds the root, and kills it for you, only if you let Him in. In short He acts as an Anti Virus. Just to protect your “precious” computer that has maybe a virus or two, you install an anti virus.
In the case of non-technical people, when their PC has a problem, they would not know where the problem or virus has attacked so they get antivirus software which they put in their PC; this anti virus will deal with the logical aspect of the PC which will in turn change the physical outline of the PC as well. The antivirus finds the root for the user and ‘kills it for them.’
What prompted the user to install an antivirus?
A problem, the user acknowledged the PC had a problem.

In other cases, the antivirus is installed right at the beginning when the PC is new and there is no problem...But left un-updated, a virus comes in.
When a PC has a virus, the physical outlook changes, true?
When antivirus is installed, things change, true?
The antivirus needs updating, true?
The PC in this case is YOU but one difference is you are intelligent while a PC is dull.
The antivirus in this case is JESUS
Updating refers to reading the bible and praying
Imagine the PC was able to make decisions... and it denied having antivirus installed ever!!!
This is how I understand my NCC.
May God continue to give us grace and may we desire to know Him better every day, this is my prayer, Amen

Your BEING is beautiful in His sight!

Your being here is part of God's MASTER PLAN, and that makes you His MASTERPIECE. How sweet it is to be called His child, the King of kings, your father awesome.

You ought to stop worrying, thinking "I am not the best, so that's a bad thing",or "so and so don't like me, so my life will be miserable" or "why should this always happen to me, I will never make it". Maybe you try too hard, leave it for God, don't worry yourself. Stop making it seem like you can do it, all by yourself, or without God. You know when someone asks for help and they are still trying to do it, it looks like they do not even need that help, or sometimes it sends a message like "I can do this, why are helping me." Leave it all for God. God created you, that is big enough a thing, He let you live 1 second (blessing #1) , He let you breath 2 seconds(blessing #2). Are you counting? By the time you are getting to where it will say,"Micheal hates me because I did something to him" or "Mwansa dumped me because he said I don't bath" you will be well over 400years old. Waste no time with entertaining the devil and thoughts he puts in your head. Suicide thoughts, Inferiority feelings should not have a place in your mind, you are marvelous in His sight. Read the first verses of the bible, in Genesis. With the fingerprint of God all over you, you are too fly to be depressed!

Alot of people feel ok in there safe zones where they like to depress themselves and hope people give them attention, depression is a bad spirit, people have died from that spirit and it only makes the happy when are depressed... either by circumstance or self imposed(like it is common nowadays). Refuse to be depressed, choose to smile and be happy. There is more to life than people around you like you, or them approving of you and you being all sad and gloomy, there is so much in our lives to be happy about, but some of us choose to magnify the sad times and get depressed. Love yourself first, and everything else will not matter to you. God give you grace, God be with you in your life, may your walk in love everyday, and may it be your desire to know Him more every passing minute, God bless you. Shout a big Amen